Page:Poems - Lewis (1812).djvu/116

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His Crown, a burning band which sears his brain;
His power, a bubble the next hour may burst;
His life, a glittering web of pomp and pain,
Gorgeously wretched, and supremely curst;

Of all their lots, whose threads the sisters spin,
None sadder than a King's, Reflection views:
Life shows him nothing He can wish to win,
And bids him only breathe to fear, and lose!

Low in the heavens may sink his Star of Fate,
But ne'er can hope in loftier course to move:
His couch may shine the burning throne of Hate,
But ne'er can bloom the roseate bower of Love.

He bids no flame in virtuous bosom rise;
He forms no plan of fond connubial bliss:
He reads no chaste consent in down-cast eyes,
Nor thanks the Trembler with a blameless kiss:

Unknown her virtues, undesired her charms,
Comes his unwilling Bride to share his chains;
Cold Policy conducts her to his arms,
And angry Love to bless his bed disdains.