Page:Poems - Lewis (1812).djvu/127

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1. Ambrosio, or the Monk, а Romance, 3 vols.

2. The Bravo of Venice, Ditto.

3. Romantic Tales, 4 vols.

4. Tales of Wonder.

5. The Love of Gain, a Satire, imitated from Juvenal.

6. The Castle Spectre, a Drama, performed at Drury Lane.

7. The Minister, a Tragedy, from the German.

8. Adelmorn the Outlaw, an Opera, performed at Drury Lane.

9. Venoni, or the Novice of St. Mark's, a Drama, performed at Drury Lane.

10. Rugantino, or the Bravo of Venice, a Melo-Drama, performed at Covent Garden.