Page:Poems - Lewis (1812).djvu/66

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Yet if I wrong thee, if indeed
'Tis fear that makes thy poor heart bleed,
Lest She thou lov'st, some other should prefer,
Let me thy jealous doubts efface,
Wrong me not with a thought so base,
For Delia trusts in thee!—Oh! trust in Her!

Believe, that in my own sincere
All vows but thine offend my ear;
Then hush thy anxious bosom's care to rest;
And when thou hear'st a Rival's name,
Think that his sighs but fan the flame,
Which thou alone hast kindled in my breast.

That wealth and title sue to me,
Glads me, I own, since 'tis for thee
Such glorious glittering baubles I resign;
Or should a smile my cheek adorn,
Oh! trust me, I but smile in scorn,
To think their merits should contend with thine.