Page:Poems Acton.djvu/118

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And ever when the summer days
Called forth each hue of light,
That fairy child stole in to gaze
Upon the mirror bright.

And then she came no more! and lone
The mirror seemed again;
No bounding feet, no laughing tone,
Disturbed its still domain:
And year by year each lofty room
Was wrapped in shadows tall,
And silence reigned with mournful gloom
Within that stately hall.

Yet cheer thee, ancient mirror,
Thy absent lord has come,
Now years have pass'd, from distant lands
To a long forsaken home;
And yearnings for thy glories gone,
Shall sadden thee no more;
For his lovely child must wed with one
Whose wealth will all restore.

And soon the mirror from the wall
Looked down on beauty bright;
And beaming eyes lit up the hall,
To grace the bridal night: