Page:Poems Acton.djvu/12

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They had known no other dwelling
Half so sunny as their own,
Ere the spring's glad voice was telling,
They had blossomed there alone.
Alone! alone! with nought to look
Upon their kingdom free;
And their graceful stems with triumph shook,
As they sighed "How blest are we!"

One morn when leaf and flower
Were beginning to unfold,
And that sweet and tranquil bower
Seemed bathed in rays of gold;
A sound came stealing o'er them
Of joyous voices there,
And a party swept before them,
Of lords and ladies fair.
A moment! and the stately throng
Have hied them far away,
With laughter as they passed along,
And tones and gestures gay.
A moment! and the stern old trees
Were lonely left again,
To shake with anger in the breeze,
That aught disturbs their reign.
And the two fair flowers looked forth at last,
In wonder and in dread;
They had hid them 'till the throng had passed,
In their thick and leafy bed.