Page:Poems Acton.djvu/20

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Planting the tree of Faith where had grown Fear—
Bringing Hope's smile to check Affliction's tear—
From that bright land whose skies are ever clear,
             Thence art thou.
R. A.

Come nearer to my side, Mother,
There's a dimness in my eye,
There's a weight upon my heart, Mother,
I feel that I shall die.
But ere the hand of death, Mother,
Is laid upon my brow,
Come nearer to my side, Mother,
I've much to tell thee now.
I've been a slighted child, Mother,
Yet have I loved thee well,
And the prayers I've breathed for thee, Mother.
Arc more than I can tell.
I've been a slighted child, Mother,
And fond and kindly word,
And tones that soothe the soul, Mother,
My car hath never heard.