Page:Poems Acton.djvu/92

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Brightest! most innocent! Thy future fate
Is yet unwritten! Thou hast yet to learn
That what thou deemest love may be but hate
That sunny smiles can change to frowns as stern.

Ah! Fare thee well! I feel no pangs, no fears,
Save for the helpless, injured one I leave;
I can but give thee now, my child, these tears,
Wrung from a heart too early taught to grieve!

I have but reaped the doom my vain heart sowed:
I had no tears when Catherine bowed low
To pray for mercy, even as do I
Crave, in mine agony, such mercy now!

Once more—Farewell! my treasured one; may He,
To whose blest hand I trust thee, guide thy way
Through this wide world of woe and misery,
Casting around thy path an angel's ray;

Granting a guiltless mother's parting prayer—
Not that the mockery of power be thine,
But that thy heart may be untouched by care,
Ever unconscious of a fate like mine!
R. A.