Page:Poems Allen.djvu/112

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SIT down beside me, my love and my pride,
Ere the stars brighten the sweet eventide;
Clasp in your true hand my fingers again;
Tell me the tale of our castles in Spain!

Let the proud pass with their grandeur and gold;
Riches like ours are not purchased or sold;
Little we cam for the greed or the gain,—
We, the possessors of castles in Spain!

Wealth may exult in the pomp it creates,—
Naught the world knows of our foreign estates;
Little it thinks that, afar o'er the main,
Rise the fair walls of our castles in Spain!

What though our station be low and obscure!
What though we struggle and strive and endure!
What do we care for the wind and the rain?
They never beat on our castles in Spain!