Page:Poems Angier.djvu/125

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Then one the simple truth explained,
That Christ, their Lord, was dead,
And they had seen the sepulchre
In which their Hope was laid.

Then nearer to their side He drew,
Soft were His words and mild,
As on their ears the tale He poured
Of Mary's sinless child.

'Twas meet that He should drain the cup
That to His lips was given.
For with His dying groan He cried—
"I ope the way to heaven"?

And now the sun's last golden beams
Are fading in the west,
And they have reached their village home
And gained their place of rest.

With haste the table soon is spread,
Though frugal be their fare;
They turn to bid their Guest partake,
When lo! what sight was there!

Where just before the stranger stood,
Disguised in humble mien,
A form more bright, a seraph form,
With radiant brow was seen.