Page:Poems Angier.djvu/149

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O! there was a dreamy spell, that threw
A charm over all when life was new;
It breathed on the hill-top, it spoke in the plain,
With a voice that we never may hear again;
Bird, blossom, and bee had some tale to tell,
Whose moral was mirrored in Truth's clear well.

In the fitful blaze of the cheerful fire,
As it glowed in the face of my old grandsire;
In the sleigh-bells pealing their joyous chime,
To which young hearts were beating time;
In the busiest scene, in the loneliest glen,
Oh! a charm was on all around me then.

The stars looked forth with a softer light,
While a richer glory clothed the night;
And sweet were the tones that breathed love's vow—
They greet me no more, those voices now—
From broken harps, whose strings are gone,
What hand can awake the answering tone?