Page:Poems Angier.djvu/172

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Why should I stay?—when heaven reveals its light;
I see its pearly gate, its crystal stream;
Here forms I love grow shadowy to my sight,—
Thus fade the things of Time, in death's dark night—
Thy dawn, Eternity, is just in view—
     Why should I stay?

Why should I stay?—why linger here below,
Where joy but ends in grief—hope's light is quenched in tears;
There, all is glad fruition, none have cause of woe.
Since I have told you why I long to go,
Tell me, ye loved of Earth,
     Why should I stay?

Why should I stay?—dumb is each tongue.I hear
No answer to my earnest question given—
Silent the lip, but speaks the glistening tear—
The welcome sound of chariot-wheels breaks on my ear,
They wait to bear me hence,
     Why should I stay?