Page:Poems Angier.djvu/245

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Which will it be? ah, which will it be?
O! which in our sweet, sweet home of three,
Will first hear the dip of the Boatman's oar,
The Boatman that rows to the other shore?

Which first will the grave's dark mystery learn?
Which two to the lonely home return?
O'er whose breast first will the violets spring,
And the birds their matins and vespers sing?

Which first o'er the silent sea will sail?
Whose feet first tread the shadowy vale?
Which first will join the angel throng?
Whose voice first blend in their joyous song?

Whose hand will first sweep a golden lyre?
Which first heed the mandate "Come up higher?"
Who first will be missed from the vacant seat?
Which first will walk the shining street?