Page:Poems Angier.djvu/67

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"What a resource," said the ill-fated Marie Antoinette, "amid the casualties of life, is a well-cultivated mind. One can then be one's own companion and find society in one's own thoughts."

I have a world, a beauteous world,
A world that's all my own;
Ne'er jarred is its soft harmony
By one discordant tone.

Here cluster round me beings fair,
Bright, living forms of grace;
From earth they come, yet hath there shone
Heaven's light on every face.

Heart joined to heart, hand clasped in hand,
On tireless feet we roam;
An angel's bliss doth o'er me steal
In my sweet Eden home.

When purpose high inspires the breast,
And life hath noble aim,
Lips ne'er need breathe a secret sigh
For honor, wealth, or fame.