Page:Poems Argent.djvu/117

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Good night, Alice! sleep has crowned you
Early, with God's sunshine round you!

DOROTHY (Which means the Gift of God).
I HAVE a child—a little child with eyes of pensive blue,
Clear as the skies above her spread, outrivalling their hue,
With golden ringlets all ashine adown her shoulders fair,
Floating with every movement like sunlight on the air.
Though she be blind and cannot see, far dearer unto me
Than all my other children, is my little Dorothy!

You'd hardly think that she was blind; her voice is very sweet,
And ever ready willing are those patient, tireless feet,
To execute Love's errands, to comfort and to bless
All those who chance to meet her by her pure loveliness!
Deep in my heart she nestles down, nought in the world to me
Is half so dear and cherished as my precious Dorothy!