Page:Poems Argent.djvu/120

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When the morn with rosy fingers
Broke upon the earth and sea,
Gilding in his orient splendour
All things in his majesty.

On a doorstep long he linger'd,
Where two wistful eyes and face
Met his gaze and made him wonder,
Seeing sleep in death's embrace!

There she lay, the beggar maiden,
Never more to charm the day:
With that voice of hers so tender
She had sung her soul away.

BENEATH the glowing western sky,
Drop down, O Autumn sun, and glow
  With fervent light on all below,
That half in sombre shadows lie.

Tinge with thy rosy kiss the wave
  That ripples o'er the dusky bay,
  Foaming with crystals far away,
Where breakers roar and billows rave,

To see the ocean now were sweet,
  To feel the breezes lightly rest
  On tired brain and weary breast,
And waters murmuring round one's feet