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Messrs. Ed. Durrant & Co.'s List of Publications.

THE ANCIENT SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS OF ESSEX. By Fred Chancellor, F.R.I.B.A. Imp. 4to, cloth, £3 3s. to subscribers. After publication £4 4s.[In the press.
DURRANT'S HANDBOOK FOR ESSEX. A Guide to all the Principal Objects of Interest in each Parish in the County. By Miler Christy, F.L.S. With Maps, 2s. 64. nett, post free. "One of the very best guide books in existence."—Evening News.
THE BIRDS OF ESSEX. A contribution to the natural history of the County, with numerous illustrations, two plans and one plate (forming Vol. II. special memoirs Essex Field Club). By Miller Christy. Demy 8vo, scarlet cloth, 15s. nett, post free.
THE TRADE-SIGNS OF ESSEX. A Popular Account of the Origin and Meaning of the Public House and other Signs, now or formerly found in the County of Essex. With lllustrations. By Miller Christy. Demy 8vo, cloth, 7s. 64. nett.
DAILY RAYS OF LIGHT FOR SICK AND WEARY ONES. Compiled by Edith L. Wells, with a Preface by Rev. Predenbary Hutton. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.
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ROYAL ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF EASTERN ENGLAND. By A.D. Bayne. With many Illustrations. 2 vols., large 8vo, cloth, 155.
DOMESDAY BOOK RELATING TO ESSEX. Translated by the late T. C. Chisenhale-Marsh. 4to, cloth, 21s. nett. Only a few copies unsold.
JOHN NOAKES AND MARY STYLES. A Poem in the Essex Dialect. By the late Charles Clark, of TothamHall. With a Glossary and Portrait. 1s, nett.
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A FIRST CATECHISM OF BOTANY. By John Gubbs. Second Edition. 12mo, bds. 6d.
THE SYMMETRY OF FLOWERS. By John Gibbs. 13mo, sewed. 4d.

Edmund Durrant & Co., 90, High Street, Chelmsford.