Page:Poems Argent.djvu/17

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Yet once again Spring's gladness streams
In all her wonted splendour,
Filling the human heart with dreams
And memories, sweet and tender!

      "Serene and bright
And lovely as a Lapland night."

DEAR placid hands!
Crossed gently now in calm and restful life,
Hands that have known their share of toil and strife,
And yet have faltered not in youth or age
To give both help and comfort,—now, a page
In their life's history is turned, and they
Are folded peacefully at close of day.

      Sweet eyes serene!
With light of heaven reflected in their beams,
Crowned with an aureole of far-off dreams,
Eyes that still smile and smile, and weep and weep
With others' joys and woes,—Time still doth keep
Their youthful lustre, yet a pensive hue
From other worlds dwells in their sunny blue.

      Dear silvery hair!
That once was golden, nay, its beauty now
Is undisputed, snows that veil the brow