Page:Poems Argent.djvu/33

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   No human heart can be
   Untouched, methinks, by thee,
For, like some holy white-winged angel guest,
   To-night thy spirit fair
   Hath robbed me of all care,
And smoothed away a sick soul's wide unrest!

FARINELLI'S TRIUMPH. "It is related that the King of Spain, Philip V., was once a prey to profound melancholy, from which nothing could arouse him. His queen one day bethought her of Farinelli, the greatest singer in the world; Farinelli was accordingly sent for, and his marvellous singing was such, that it became the means of arousing the king from the apathy into which he had fallen."
WHAT voice is that?
Methinks some angel from a happier sphere
Hath come to gladden me, with songs that bring
My heart up to mine eyes, for lo! a tear
Hath fallen down from Spain's bewildered King!

      That song how sweet!
It takes me back to childhood's golden clime,
Ah me! how many weary days have crept
Across my path since that bright sunny time:
I needs must weep as never yet I wept.

      Sing on, sing on,
The apathy that held me fast is gone,
I feel once more a man with will to speak