Page:Poems Argent.djvu/36

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Their odour scatters through the air
A soft thanksgiving psalm,
In which I fain would come and share
Such high and lofty calm.
My grateful lilies! that do give
Their fullest every day they live.

What purity and love they teach
In garments without spot,
As with meek looks they seem to reach
Where sorrow cometh not.
My virgin lilies fair and tall
That grow beside the garden wall.

I wonder not on them was laid
The emblem sweet of old,
And chosen type for saintly maid
On whom the manifold,
Great love of God was shower'd upon,—
The maiden meek who bore God's Son.

Madonna-like these blossoms speak
Unto each human breast,
And in sad hearts with anguish weak
Whisper eternal rest.
Oh! pure my lilies, blowing sweet
With lifted eyes and patient feet.

Within the garden wilds on earth,
Where noisome weeds and roots
Choke the poor flowers that spring to birth,
Oh! spare the tender shoots!