Page:Poems Argent.djvu/38

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The first fresh radiance of the spring,
The beauty of its noon
Which sets in autumn, seems too fair
To fade and die so soon.
Yet underneath the dark moist earth
The buds are waiting second birth,

Not very far old Winter stands
In garments grim and grey,
With hoary locks and sceptre dim
Of ice which wields his sway,
Yet bursting from his chilly snows
He brings a gift, the Christmas rose!

And kindly is the phantom smile
That flickers o'er his face,
His heart is full of kindly warmth,
His welcome breathes in grace,
Doth he not open wide the door
Of human hearts in rich and poor?

My joyous spring of youth is past,
Its wealth of sunny hours
Are gone for ever! they have died,
As die the spring's dear flowers,
Yet in God's sky the stars still shine,
The stars of love, and they are mine.

The fuller life of summer, too,
Has passed away and fled,