Page:Poems Argent.djvu/50

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Their cooling waters on the ear
    And brow and lip.

The orchard of the spreading palms
    Opens to view,
Magnificently beneath the sky
    Of Syrian blue!

The docile camels stoop to drink,
    With bended head,
In the pellucid lake that winds
    By grassy bed.

Here soars the palm with lofty crest
    And brave and bold,
So broad of branch, so wide of girth,
    And years untold.

Each branch is perfected with fronds
    Plumy and soft:
Wax-like and brilliant high they stand
    And wave aloft!

Heavy with luscious dates, they drop
    Their manna sweet,
Throwing both food and shelter round
    The traveller's feet.

What magic lingers in a palm!
    The Eastern world
Unfolds before one's gaze, as flags
    With awe unfurled!