Page:Poems Argent.djvu/58

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The dashing foam, the spray-encircled main
Whisper unceasingly their sad refrain,
      Oh! sorrowful, yet sweet.

      Oh! sorrowful and sweet
Are these last days, these hours of thine and mine
All gathered up and laid at friendship's shrine,
The noon of joy once foaming as a cup
Of sparkling wine, now drank for ever up.
The farewell eve with scarce a star between
To point the way where happiness hath been,
      Most sorrowful yet sweet.

      Oh! sorrowful and sweet,
More transient than the clouds that onward pass
And throw their lengthening shadows on the grass,
Are all frail joys of earth, the passion-flowers
That bind these bleeding brows and hearts of ours.
Yet tenderly fair memory, with soft rays,
Toucheth to life again these dear last days,
      So sorrowful yet sweet!

O STUDENT with the classic brow
Filled overfull with ancient lore,
Shut up your books, put pens away,
And do not study anymore.

Tis such a glorious summer-day,
No cloud upon the azure sky,