Page:Poems Argent.djvu/71

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The poet's greatest gift to thee
Is God's dear gift of charity;
Thou dost no word of scorn let fall
On others, for thou lovest all.
Faith, Hope, and Charity all stir
My heart's sweet poet, Whittier!

(Suggested by Sir Edwin Landseer's famous picture.)

A BEAUTEOUS scene and winter sketch
  Of frost and snow,
A range of mountains that have caught
    The moon's soft glow.

A night of stars—a starry night
    Reflected shines
Within the bosom of the lake,
    Where fallen pines

Lie at the marge, crushed by the snow
    Of sparkling gems,
That glitter in the silvery light
    As diadems.

A glorious monarch of the glen
    Stands by the stream,
With antlered head, all ghost-like, as
    A phantom dream!