Page:Poems Argent.djvu/76

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Bringing sunshine and a gladness
Over everything but me!

Seventeen winters cold and frosted
Laid their snows and crystal tears,
Over little Eric's tombstone,
Moss-grown by the damp of years.

Ah! that little shoe recalleth
All the joy and all the pain,
Which was mine to store and garnish
But will ne'er be mine again.

For beneath a cross of marble,
Purer than the driven snow,
Little Eric sleeps securely
In the green earth's arms below!

'Bove his little grave bloom roses,
Jasmine twineth round his feet,
And a tender lily foldeth
All the air in fragrance sweet.

Long I love to linger fondly
By the fireside's ruddy glow,
Gazing on that shoe all faded
In the years of long ago!!