Page:Poems Argent.djvu/86

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IN the far and distant country
Where the willow-trees o'erspread,
And in murmurs bend to whisper
Messages of woe o'erhead;
   Gently swaying,
   Idly playing,
Rolls the river o'er its bed.

In a cottage by the forest
Lived a little child of seven,
Golden were her ringlets, shining
Brightly as the sun in heaven.
   Dreaming gaily,
   Almost daily;
What had she to be forgiven?

You would look at her and wonder
What her voice was, was it sweet?
Were her accents soft and tender
As the echo of her feet?
   Nought of riot
   Touched her quiet,
She was always trim and neat.

Ever wandering in the forest,
Silently like "one who grieves,"
For this little one could never
Hear the fluttering of the leaves.