Page:Poems Argent.djvu/90

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A visionary dream weaves round
    My listening heart,
Oh, night! how wonderful and grand
    To me thou art.

Far off the ripples of the sea
    Break on the sand,
Most musical the echoes steal
    'Cross sky and land.

One bird is warbling loud and clear,
    The nightingale
Sings to the moon in rapturous notes
    Her oft-told tale.

What time the shadows sweep betwixt
    The radiant sky,
She loves to pour her liquid tones
    In one low sigh.

Between two worlds we live and move
    Of joy and woe,
The spirit and the fleshly school
    Whose wavelets flow,

Adown the rugged shores of Time
    Unto the goal
That lies in earthly mists, yet guides
    The struggling soul.

Two worlds! the unseen and the seen,
    Like day and night,