Page:Poems Argent.djvu/92

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Each morning with its wealth of light,
Each evening with its starry night,
The passing clouds have swept to clear
The mists from off the atmosphere.

And thus the skies of human love
Are sometimes dark as those above,
But yet we know, beyond, the light
Is shining somewhere out of sight.

And so you must through every ill
Believe that I do love you still,
And as you pray for God and heaven
Forgive, as you would be forgiven!

"To me the meanest flower which blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."

SWEET flowers that ever wear so wan a dress
Within the wild woods where you love to dwell,
Hanging your heads in all mute loveliness,
        Fairer than words can tell.

That pale pink shadow on your petals white
Doth please me much, its colour seems to start
With something of a soft celestial light
        From out your inmost heart.

All lingeringly I gaze upon your bloom,
And once again my girlhood's brightest years