Page:Poems Baldwin.djvu/97

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The sun, array'd in deepest hues of fire,
Sank to its silent rest. The distant woods
Were glowing in their rich autumnal robes;
And slowly o'er the broad-extended scene
The mists did spread their veil of silvery shades;
The rustling boughs around me plaintive sigh'd;
The birds afar struck through the brooding air;
And their low notes from melancholy braes
Were sweetest music. Blessed, blessed peace!
Thou o'er that scene of beauty solely reign'd,
And o'er my heart mov'd softly. Heavenly power!
To dwell with thee and nature I aspire;
Oh! may my soul be ever true and pure,
That it may ever find its home with thee!
On the sweet hill I rested; there I view'd
The broad lake sink in silence when the winds
Their last sigh breath'd,—their farewell sigh,—while night
On the far mountains slowly, darkly came;
Then sadness dwelt within me; but the moon
Lit the fair scene, and whisper'd me of heaven.