Page:Poems Barrett.djvu/214

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"With their words all smooth and sweet, they will front her and entreat:"
            Toll slowly!
"And their purple pall will spread underneath her fainting head,
    While her tears drop over it.

"She will weep her woman's tears, she will pray her woman's prayers,"—
            Toll slowly!
"But her heart is young in pain, and her hopes will spring again
    By the suntime of her years.

"Ah, sweet May—ah, sweetest grief!—once I vowed thee my belief,—
            Toll slowly!
"That thy name expressed thy sweetness,—May of poets, in completeness!
    Now my May-day seemeth brief."

All these silent thoughts did swim o'er his eyes grown strange and dim,—
            Toll slowly!
Till his true men in the place, wished they stood there face to face
    With the foe instead of him.

"One last oath, my friends, that wear faithful hearts to do and dare!"—
            Toll slowly!
"Tower must fall, and bride be lost!—swear me service worth the cost,"
    —Bold they stood around to swear,

"Each man clasp my hand, and swear, by the deed we failed in there,"—
            Toll slowly!