Page:Poems Barrett.djvu/274

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  "For sights of things away,
  Through fissures of the clay,
Promised things which shall be given
And sung over, up in Heaven,—

  "For life, so lovely-vain,—
  For death, which breaks the chain,—
For this sense of present sweetness,—
And this yearning to completeness!"

Bertha in the Lane.
Put the broidery-frame away,
For my sewing is all clone!
The last thread is used to-day,
And I need not join it on.
Though the clock stands at the noon,
I am weary! I have sewn
Sweet, for thee, a wedding-gown.

Sister, help me to the bed,
And stand near me, Dearest-sweet,
Do not shrink nor be afraid,
Blushing with a sudden heat!
No one standeth in the street?—
By God's love I go to meet,
Love I thee with love complete.

Lean thy face down! drop it in
These two hands, that I may hold
'Twixt their palms thy cheek and chin,
Stroking back the curls of gold.
'Tis a fair, fair face, in sooth—
Larger eyes and redder mouth
Than mine were in my first youth!