Page:Poems Barrett.djvu/89

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Second Voice. What wouldst thou with me?
First Voice. Is it true, O thou Gabriel, that the crown
Of sorrow which I claimed, another claims?
That He claims that too?
Second Voice. Lost one, it is true.
First Voice. That He will be an exile from His Heaven,
To lead those exiles homeward?
Second Voice. It is true.
First Voice. That He will be an exile by His will,
As I by mine election?
Second Voice. It is true.
First Voice. That I shall stand sole exile finally,—
Made desolate for fruition?
Second Voice.It is true.
First Voice. Gabriel!
Second Voice.I hearken.
First Voice.Is it true besides—
Aright true—that mine orient star will give
Her name of "Bright and Morning-Star" to Him,—
And take the fairness of His virtue back,
To cover loss and sadness?
Second Voice.It is true.
First Voice. Untrue, Untrue! O Morning-Star! O Mine!
Who sittest secret in a veil of light,
Far up the starry spaces, say—Untrue!
Speak but so loud as doth a wasted moon
To Tyrrhene waters! I am Lucifer—
[A pause. Silence in the stars.
All things grow sadder to me, one by one.
  Chorus. Exiled Human creatures,
       Let your hope grow larger!
      Larger grows the vision
       Of the new delight.
      From this chain of Nature's,
       God is the Discharger;
      And the Actual's prison
       Opens to your sight.