Page:Poems Bass.djvu/34

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We beheld the spires of Richmond with, prophetic light they shone
In the tranquil southern sunshine as proclaiming her our own;
Yet how solemn was the moment when downtrodden at our feet
Lay the patriot, the comrade, with his martyr's work complete.

We beheld the spires of Richmond and Columbia at peace;—
An eternal badge of glory in the stricken slave's release.
Names, alone, may be forgotten in the ceaseless rush of years,
But our deeds are doubly hallowed by a nation's smiles and tears.

Will the future find us ready—ready as in sixty-one.
When we heard the voice of freedom in the boom of Sumter's gun?
Faith and hope and love sustain us, e'en as when we sought to stand
In the forefront of the conflict, the defenders of our land.