Page:Poems Bass.djvu/64

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I have thought of you many times
On blissful heights; in the vale of woe.
Memory's chorus smoothly chimes
To a rhythmic measure's mellow flow,
The joyful echo of long ago.

I have prayed for you o'er and o'er,
'Mid a fleet of shadows dark and drear
Coasting close by the silent shore;
My grateful spirit is ever near,
Unchecked by peril, unawed by fear.

I have trusted you, faithful, true,
Though the tempest's wrathful fingers rend
Hope's tortured sails and doubts pursue,
What matter whither the storm may trend?
With love my compass and you my friend.

I have wanted you more and more
While threading the world's delusive maze;
Deaf to its ceaseless rush and roar
Through a dreary medley of weary days,
We still could journey in kindred ways.