Page:Poems Betham.djvu/47

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Her cheek was delicately pale,
And seem'd to tell a piteous tale,
But o'er her looks such patience stole,
Such saint-like tenderness of soul,
That never did my eyes behold,
A beauty of a lovelier mold.
The Lady sigh'd, and closely prest
A sleeping infant to her breast;
Shook off sweet tears of love, and smil'd,
Kissing the fingers of the child,
Which round her own unconscious clung,
Then fondly gaz'd, and softly sung:

  Once like that sea, which ebbs and flows,
  My bosom never knew repose,
  And heavily each morn arose.

  I bore with anger and disdain,
  I had no power to break my chain,
  No one to whom I dar'd complain.