Page:Poems Blake.djvu/178

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  "Father!" cried we, "keep afar
  Through life's battle stain and scar,
  Grief to cloud, or sin to mar."
This did we ask, as day's fair dawn
Crept smiling from the night's dark breast,
And this, when shadowy eve had drawn
Its darkling vail across the west:
  He to whom the prayer had flown
  Answered, bending from His throne,
  Not in our way, but His own!

   Brave, brown eyes will never know
   Shade of sin, or tear of woe;
   Soft, dark eyes will gladly shine,
   Full of light of love divine;
   Sweet, blue eyes with angel smile
   Hail the heaven they left awhile.
   "For sweeping through the silence dim,

The while we stood with reverent breath,
God's angels took them up to Him,
Beyond the gates of sin and death!
God, who holds our darlings there,
  Teach our weak, weak hearts to bear
  This, Thy answer to our prayer!