Page:Poems Blake.djvu/25

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Low in the west to crimson turning,
  The sun like a jewel set in gold
Over the breast of the twilight burning,
  Fastens its mantle fold on fold;
The sea like a maiden's face is glowing,
The sweet south wind is merrily blowing,
Still am I sad, for summer is going,—
   Summer is going,—summer is gone!

Never a leaf on the tree is faded,
  Never a blade of the grass is sere,
Gayer and brighter the flowers are shaded,
  Fairer and fairer grows the year;
Only—who knows what my fancy is showing—
Only the roses no longer are growing,
Only I feel that the summer is going,—
   Summer is going,—summer is gone!

Brighter and brighter the skies are shining,
  Deeper and deeper the fresh air thrills,