Page:Poems Bradford.djvu/27

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Feels her heart throb with gratitude.
And to-day, in this mightiest conflict
Since ever the world began
Dries with a single voice:
"Take my money, my men, my all,
And use them as yours
To make the world safe for Democracy."
And Michigan's sons have gone out
In the pride of their lusty manhood
To offer them selves as a wall of men
Betwixt the world and the Hun.
To fight, perchance to fall!
If so, what then?
Better by far is a glorious death
Than a coward's life of dishonor.
O Michigan, mother of State Universities!
Thou art beloved of my soul,
As thou art of the souls
Of all thy myriad sons and daughters;
Long may you live and flourish
And stand, in the time to come,
As you stood in the days that are gone,
Ever in the front of the battle.

Daintiest flower of Northern spring,
When the sun shines and the robins sing
Overhead in the pines;
Like a star in the night-time
Heralding the bright time,
Your pink flower shines.