Page:Poems Brown.djvu/66

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She had joined our Willie on the unseen shore,
And we must watch and sigh no more.
And yet again our home was robbed,
And two other darlings went to God.
Over the river, the deep, dark river,
I see the streets which their feet have trod.

And once again, in the cold, dark night,
When all was still, and the fire-light
Danced o'er our lonely room,
Two angels entered, and sat them down,
And the light from their wings dispelled the gloom.
We asked them whither and whence they came,
And also asked their angel name.
They answered,—and such a heavenly smile.
Played o'er their features all the while,—
"Our angel names we cannot tell."
And their voices sounded like a silver bell,
Ringing o'er the deep.
Then one of them asked, in so flute-like a voice.
That it made my breaking heart rejoice,
"O mother, do you not know me now?
Or is it the crown upon my brow
That blinds your sight?"