Page:Poems Bushnell.djvu/15

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Jubilant the music through the fields a-ringing,—
Carol, warble, whistle, pipe,—endless ways of singing;
  Oriole, bobolink, melody of thrushes,
  Rustling trees, hum of bees, sudden little hushes,
    Broken suddenly again,—
    Carol, whistle, rustle, humming,
    In reiterate refrain,
    Thither, hither, going, coming,
While the streamlets' softer voices mingle murmurously together;
Gurgle, whisper, lapses, plashes,—praise of love and summer weather.

Hark! A music finer on the air is blowing,—
Throbs of infinite content, sounds of things a-growing,
  Secret sounds, flit of bird under leafy cover,
  Odors shy floating by, clouds blown swiftly over,
    Kisses of the crimson roses,
    Crossings of the lily-lances,
    Stirrings when a bud uncloses,
    Tripping sun and shadow dances,
Murmur of aërial tides, stealthy zephyrs gliding,
And a thousand nameless things sweeter for their hiding.