Page:Poems Bushnell.djvu/85

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[From The German of Heinrich Heine]


My heart, my heart is heavy,
But gayly glances the May;
I stand and lean on the linden,
High up on the bastion gray.

The city's moat below me
Flows still and blue as the sky;
A boy on its sleepy current,
Goes fishing and whistling by.

On the smiling landscape yonder,
In fairy and motley array,
Are oxen and meadow and woodland
And gardens and children at play.

The maidens, at their bleaching,
On the greensward go and come;
The mill-wheel scatters jewels,
I hear its distant hum.

Up on the old gray tower
A sentry-box shows brown;
A tall red-coated fellow
Goes marching up and down.