Page:Poems Bushnell.djvu/91

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"—the golden prime of this sweet prince."

Never so fair a May was seen,
Never an evening half so fair;
Then first I knew what Maytimes mean,
First deeply breathed the vernal air,
First looked through Nature's sylvan screen,
And saw herself in robe of green.

The breathing dusk, the dreaming sky,
Were with a thousand meanings fraught;
But all my thoughts were scented by
The sweetness of a single thought.
Wide flew my heart, yet circled nigh,
As happy swallows wheel and fly.

The world, for me, was newly made,
And given unto my heart for food;
And scent and blossom, bud and blade,
Were in its waking understood.
All things the inward mood obeyed,
For life its spell upon them laid.