Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/134

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114 POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. 'Tis long'since Wayward Hope has deign'd To breathe one thought of future rest. When, 1o, again, like that bright star, Which mildly gilds the brow of Eve, Her gentle lustre shines from far, To guide---to gladdenmand relieve. Again I hear her seraph-song, Sad, as the sorrowing heart, it cheers, Which yet so sweetly floats along, It raptures, while it raises tears. And whose the hand, and whose the heart, That lit her lamp, and bade it shine, And taught her whispers to impart . A soothing promise ? It was thine ! Yes, it was thine; and, oh, not vain May time that'dearest promise prove ! It is, that sorrow, care, and pain, Shall leave me still thy changeless love. ......... ?Google