Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/151

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MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. So youth may boast of brighter dreams, And more tumultuous joys; And manhood plan more prudent schemes, Or sport with richer toys: 131 But Memory's eye will oft return To those first tints of green, And still the longing heart will yearn O'er childhood's simple scene. It is not that, uncheck'd by age,. The blood more freshly flows, That, yet unchill'd by caution s?ge, Fond Hope more warmly glows: It is that, ere the deadly fruit Of man's forbidden tree Spring from its deep, inherent root, In dark maturity; Some flowers of Eden yet remain. Within their once-loved soil; Some blossoms, from the plant of life, In lingering beauty smile. ......... ?Google