Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/259

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L?RICAL PIE?R$. ? ON LOSIN G A HEART'S-EASE. A HRAItT'S-RAgR from thee, who hast robb*d me of rest, Was a gift, that I, ?ain, had prophetic beiiev'd; It*s meaning, that thou should'st restore, to'my b?ast, The peace, of which thou hast its inmate bereav'd. But vainly the ?ift thou on me didst bestow, It was stolen, by some spirit malign, from my bower; Still seems it decreed, that no peace I should know, Nor ev'n keep its emblem, exprest in a flower. Each other gay flower, which thy garden adorns, Thou ?pay'st give, without fear that from me it should stray; The roses remain, with their sweets and their thorns; But the hearCs-ease, for ever, is vanish'd away. ......... ?Google