Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/312

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? SONNBTS. VIII. WRITTEN ON A .MOONLIGItT' NIGHT. OH, for a Claude's soft pencil: quick to.tmce? Ere yet they fade, the hues of yonder cloud,, That o'er the bright moon spreads it's varying shroud,. To catch the semblance of it's shadowy:grace ! , Now, o'er the splendo?r of her hidden face, In dark'ning folds, the dusky yapours-crowd; Now, mildly be?mlng,.yet with ?esture proud, Slowly she rises thro' their parting space. Religion thus, alike thro' dark or bright, With equal step,s, holds O n her heav'nly way, Beholding still he? glon.'ous source of light, While far below earth'.s.turbid yapours stray; But her's the travel of a transient night,. And her's the promise of immortal dW. � ......... ?Google