Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/329

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SO?ETS? / XXV. COMPOSED ON 'I?HE' ?'EA-SHORE. 'Txs night; I sit me down upon the shore? . Where uot an object meets my'baffled eye, Save the interminable sea and sky, . Nor sound salutes me, save the wave's'dull,roar. The soul, thrown back upon herself to pore, Is mystery. I.ask? what--whence am I? �� A pilgrim'destined to' eternity. A most strange feellug, never felt before, Arrests my breath, 'l?is as the world were past, And I were left still here to muse alooe, A living statue on the lifeless waste, The heav'ns my tent--the earth my empty throne, Beyond time change hope--fear--joy--sorrowm cast? Behind--a dark abyss; befor?a void unknown. ......... ?Google