Page:Poems Commelin.djvu/55

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The Artist's Search for Beauty.
Again, in wholesome toil, the days passed by,
Each touch rewarding all the sculptor's care.
The wondrous beauty glowing in his soul
He wrought upon the statue's face, and yet
Its eyes, reproachful, sad, were bent on him
With just the look the midnight vision wore.
With finest touch and nicest care he strove
To change this imperfection, yet in vain,
Until at length, discouraged, sick at heart,
By sad spell haunted, he a veil threw o'er
Its features, glad to hide them from his sight.
Turning away, he heard Teresa's voice
And saw the smiling infant on her arm.
The passing months had worked with subtle charm.
With dimpled hands outstretched, the little one
Asked for caressing; and Francesco saw
In its fair features, crowned with golden rings,
And in its violet eyes, sweet, tender looks
Of Angela; and now, at length, he knew
A beauty he had missed, and day by day
New charms unfolded. Now, the daily toil
Was crowned with frolic, and the sculptor felt
New ardor and incentive for his work.
Filled with deep shame for all his past neglect,