Page:Poems Cook.djvu/88

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We dared to think, we dared to say, that he could frame a boat,
And many others said the same, but question'd—"would it float?"
Yet lines were drawn and timbers bought; all well and wisely plann'd;
And steadily he set to work to try his "prentice hand."

He soon gave proof of goodly skill, and built a tiny craft;
While grey-hair'd sailors shook their heads and beardless landsmen laugh'd.
"'Tis a sweet cockleshell," cried they, "well form'd to please a boy;
With silken sails the thing will be a pretty water toy!"
We took their taunts all quietly, till she was fit to launch;
And then some eyes began to find she look'd a little stanch.
All trim and neat, rigg'd out complete, we hail'd our fairy bark,
And chose her name the Petrel, from the bird of storm and dark.

We three, and Will, the smuggler's son, composed her stripling crew;
Her sheets were white as breaker's spray, her pennon old true blue;
And blessed was the breezy hour, and happy wights were we,
When first we gave her wings the wind, and saw her take the sea,
She clear'd the bay, and shot away with free and steady speed;
Ne'er faster sped the desert child upon his Arab steed;
And though that squally day had served the fishers to deter;
The Petrel fairly show'd us, that it fail'd to frighten her.

We reef'd—she slack'd; "Helm down!"—she tack'd: she scudded—went about:
All nobly done, our hopes were won-what triumph fill'd our shout!
And miser never prized his heaps, nor bridegroom loved his bride;
As we did our brave Petrel when she cut the booming tide.
Full many a fearful trip we made; no hazard did we shun;
We met the gale as readily as butterflies the sun:
No terror seized our glowing hearts; the blast but raised our mirth;
We felt as safe upon her planks, as by our household hearth.