Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/105

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These varied lives, mosaic each, when shall they finished be?
And what the pattern I shall bear for all eternity?
The Master knows! O soul, believe, the answer's writ in heaven;
So pray, so live, so die—that thou rejoice when it is given!

'Tis only for a moment, a fleeting glimpse have we,
And then, our paths divergent, lead other scenes to see;
'Tis only for an instant we grasp another's hand,
Yet all of us are pilgrims—our goal the Promised Land.

'Tis only for a moment, and yet that time is fraught
With power to help or hinder, as good or ill is wrought;
To point the narrow pathway that each of us should take,
Or else, how dare we think it! our brother to for—sake.

Though only for a moment, whene'er the heart be true,
The lives we touch are better for all we say or do;
If travel-stained and weary, we follow still the Guide,
We thus may cheer and strengthen one passing by our side.