Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/26

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So much it holds in its embrace,
Of kindly word and deed and thought;
It is not tenderness alone,
But gentleness with tact inwrought.

It is to love as though thine eye
Another's inner life could see;
To strengthen, though no word may ask
The faltering one to lean on thee.

It is to feel because one knows
The need that, constant, presses sore;
To lose in other lives one's own,
The precious spikenard thus to pour.

And none this gift so great may own
Save he who sits at Jesus' feet;
For, loving Him with all one's heart,
Each life another's life may meet.

"The heart could have no rainbows had the eyes no tears"

Through vista of my early days,
On cloudless sky can Memory gaze,
When ne'er a thought of things to be
Disturbed my glad serenity.